What are the steps in the therapeutic process in Voice Therapy?
The techniques of voice therapy consist of three components: (1) eliciting and identifying negative thought patterns and releasing the associated affect; (2) discussing insights and exploring reactions to verbalizing the voice; and (3) counteracting self-destructive behaviors regulated by the voice through the application of appropriate corrective suggestions. In this phase of treatment, client and therapist attempt to interrupt maladaptive behavior patterns through collaborative planning and suggestions for behavioral change that are in accord with each individual’s personal motivation.
Voice Therapy Training: Level 1 qualifies for 12 hours of continuing education credit.
Learning Objectives:
- Apply the comprehensive theoretical model underlying Voice Therapy, deepening your understanding of clients.
- Increase your knowledge of attachment theory, neurobiology and the impact of early experience on the development of destructive thought processes or “voices.”
- Understand the need for interventions that access deep emotions for treating all types of trauma and unresolved loss.
- Integrate Voice Therapy techniques as an adjunct to your practice of psychotherapy to facilitate more positive treatment outcomes.
- Use the exercises provided to enhance clients’ awareness of negative core beliefs and how their behavior is impacted by destructive thinking thereby facilitating change.
- Apply Voice Therapy to addiction, problems at work, depression and couple relationships.